
ACC.24: Coronary Sinus Reducer in Refractory Angina: ORBITA COSMIC

Published: 08 Apr 2024

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ACC.24 — Investigators, Dr Rasha K Al-Lamee and Dr Michael Foley (Imperial College London, UK) joined us to discuss the ORBITA COSMIC trial (NCT04892537).

This randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial investigated the effects of coronary sinus reducer (CSR) as compared to placebo on myocardial perfusion via MRI, exercise duration, and symptoms in patients with refractory angina and ischemia. Fifty patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD), ineligible for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG), were enrolled in the trial.

Findings demonstrated that CSR showed no improvement in transmural myocardial perfusion, but improved subendocardial perfusion. Findings showed a reduced angina frequency, and improved heart disease related quality of life.


  1. What is the importance of ORBITA COSMIC?
  2. Could you tell us about the study device?
  3. What was the study design, eligibility criteria, and endpoints?
  4. What are the key results?
  5. Can you share more details about the mechanism of action?
  6. What are the take-home messages?
  7. What are the next steps?

Support: This is an independent interview conducted by Radcliffe Cardiology.

Recorded on-site at ACC.24, Atlanta.

For more content from ACC.24 head to the Late-breaking Science Video Collection.


Support: This is an independent interview conducted by Radcliffe Cardiology.

Editors: Jordan Rance, Mirjam Boros

Video Specialists: Dan Brent, Tom Green, Mike Knight


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