AHA Scientific Sessions 2023 Late-Breaking Science Coverage

Published: 30 October 2023

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Stay up-to-date with the latest data in cardiovascular science with the help of renowned experts and emerging voices who offer concise summaries, in-depth discussions, and critical reviews to keep you informed.


In their regular View from the Thoraxcenter series, Prof Van Mieghem and Dr Daemen provide valuable insights into the most anticipated trials of AHA 23. With their keen awareness of cardiovascular innovation, they offer concise perspectives on late-breaking data.


Dr Harriette Van Spall returns with her Late-breaker Discussion series featuring ground-breaking research presented at Scientific Sessions. Join her and lead investigators as they discuss methodology, results, and impact on patient care.


Watch our Expert interviews for late-breaking science methodology, results and implications for practice and research in under 10 minutes.


Delve into the personal motivations of some of the investigators, and gain valuable insights and advice for early career researchers in our Behind the Heart series. These short videos offer an opportunity to look beyond scientific achievements and connect on a more personal level.

More from this programme

Part 1

View from the Thoraxcenter

In their regular View from the Thoraxcenter series, Prof Van Mieghem and Dr Daemen provide valuable insights into the most anticipated trials of AHA 23. 

Part 2

Late-Breaker Discussions with Harriette Van Spall

Dr Harriette Van Spall, recipient of 2022's AHA Dr. Nanette K. Wenger Award, returns with her Late-breaker Discussion series featuring ground-breaking research presented at Scientific Sessions. Join her and lead investigators as they discuss methodology, results, and impact on patient care.

About the episode

AHA 2023 — Dr Mary McDermott (Northwestern University, US) joins us to summarize the key findings from a randomized clinical trial investigating whether nicotinamide riboside (NR) can enhance walking performance in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD).

Investigators randomized 90 patients with ABI ≤ 0.90 at baseline into three groups - one receiving 100mg daily NR with 125mg resveratrol, one receiving 100mg daily NR alone, and one receiving placebo.

The results showed that NR significantly improved six-minute walk distance and treadmill walking time in PAD. Resveratrol did not enhance the effects of NR, with similar findings between patients who had received NR and resveratrol and NR alone. Despite this, it must be noted that there was a high-non-adherence rate in the NR and resveratrol group.


  1. What is the rationale for NR supplementation in patients with PAD?
  2. What was the study design and outcome measures?
  3. What are the baseline characteristics of the randomized patients?
  4. What is the data presented at AHA 2023?
  5. Were there any unexpected or surprising results in the trial?
  6. What are the take-home messages?
  7. What are the next steps?

Recorded on-site at AHA Scientific Sessions 2023, Philadelphia. 

This is an independent interview conducted by Radcliffe Cardiology.

Interviewer: Mirjam Boros
Editor: Jordan Rance
Video Specialist: Dan Brent, Tom Green, Mike Knight

Faculty Biographies

Mary McDermott

Mary McDermott

Dr McDermott has devoted her career to advancing our understanding of peripheral artery disease (PAD), making significant contributions to medical knowledge in this field. As the Jeremiah Stamler Professor of Medicine and a professor of preventive medicine in epidemiology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, she is a board-certified general internal medicine physician and a respected figure in cardiovascular research.

Beyond her clinical practice at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, where she is a staff physician with the Northwestern Medical Group, Dr. McDermott serves as the deputy editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association. She holds the role of Director for the Pilot/Exploratory Studies Core at Northwestern’s Claude D. Pepper Older Americans’ Independence Center.

As the principal investigator for numerous randomized clinical trials on PAD, funded by grants from the National Institute on Aging and the National Heart Lung…

View full profile


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